Calling All Kingdom Entrepreneurs!
37 Ways to Integrate Your Faith in Business
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Glorify God in Business!
Hi I'm         
Jeremy Jackson
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Some Truths About You
God has Called You To Business
You are wired for entrepreneurship! The Bible tells us that we have been made uniquely in God's image and been given gifts/talents to be used unto God.
Work as Worship
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters..." - Colossians 3:23
Marketplace = MissionField
Where you are in business in where you are called to represent Jesus! Where you work is your mission field and your profits are the means to help further the gospel.
Ready to Build the Kingdom?
Use Your Business to Build the Kingdom!
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Lets Build the Kingdom of God Together!
Do The Word!
"After going through one of Ron's products I got 2 new sales within 24 hours. I absolutely feel that Ron's products help the Christian Entrepreneur!" 
Jamin Jackson
Street Smart Swing
"After working with Ron I have fully made God my CEO and I am manager. Thanks for helping me put God first and hear the Holy Spirit clearly in my business."
Julia Baxter
Brand Studio
"Hey Ron, you won't believe this but so far i have 166 days reading the Bible consecutively, pretty cool. Some days I get a lot out of it...I feel a huge breakthrough coming through!"
Mark Nelson
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